Three (Rs) Tips for Better Statistical Analysis

Leighton Pritchard

1. Formalise your design

A Simple Experiment

I am worried that I have a pair of loaded dice: biased to roll one number more often than expected by chance alone.

My experiment

I roll my two dice and the “biased” number shows on one die; check if both dice show the same number.

If both dice show the same number more often than chance alone would suggest, I will accept my dice are loaded.

Let’s set a P-value threshold for accepting the null hypothesis

\(H_0\): both dice are fair and show that same number by chance alone.

Live demonstration

Ooh! Risky!

Figure 1: How to bias dice by heating them in an oven at about 121degC for 10min. Don’t use a microwave or blame me for the consequences/if you get caught.

Your predictions, please

If one die shows the pre-named “bias” number, what is the probability that both dice are fair and showed the same number, by chance alone?


A definition

The probability of an event occurring is: the proportion of all possible outcomes that are that event.

Tossing a coin

Outcomes: heads or tails (two outcomes, assuming a fair coin and toss)

Probability of showing heads: \(\frac{1}{2} = 0.5\) as it is one of two outcomes

Outcomes when rolling two dice

Simulation: 1000 rolls

What This Means For Us


Verbal and written experiment descriptions can influence or disguise expected effect sizes, statistical analysis and outcomes

Talk to a statistician (or other colleague)

  • what’s ambiguous to them?
  • if they explain the experiment back to you, what sounds different to you?

What This Means


Verbal and written experiment descriptions influence statistical analysis and outcomes

Experimenter understanding can influence use of language

  • We assume through explanatory gaps when we think we understand something.
  • Clarity and precision are essential when explaining to others
  • Use the NC3Rs EDA to formalise unambiguous experimental designs


Please share the EDA diagram/session with your statistician.

Figure 2: NC3Rs EDA forces clarification of concepts and is a focus for discussion.

2. Use ANOVA

An experimental dataset

  • A control (ctrl) and two treatments (trt1, trt2)
  • Does it look like there are differences between the groups?


t-tests assume that datasets are Normal distributions 1

The only input the test gets:

  • mean \(\mu\), standard deviation \(\sigma\) for each group


t-tests assume that datasets are Normal distributions

The only input the test gets:

  • mean \(\mu\), standard deviation \(\sigma\) for each group
group mean sd
ctrl 5.032 0.5830914
trt1 4.661 0.7936757
trt2 5.526 0.4425733

t-test results


I’d recommend R for reproducible analyses. 1

t.test(weight ~ group, data)
estimate conf.low conf.high p.value
ctrl.vs.trt1 0.371 -0.2875162 1.0295162 0.2503825
ctrl.vs.trt2 -0.494 -0.9828721 -0.0051279 0.0478993
trt1.vs.trt2 -0.865 -1.4809144 -0.2490856 0.0092984

Multiple tests

These p.values are not correct

For three groups, there are three pairwise comparisons.

But t-tests calculate probability for a single pairwise comparison!

Multiple t-tests on your data increase Type I error rate (at P<0.05)

  • One test: P(type I error) = 0.05
  • Two tests: P(type I error) = 0.0975
  • Three tests: P(type I error) = 0.1427

Multiple tests

These p.values are not correct

For three groups, there are three pairwise comparisons.

But t-tests calculate probability for a single pairwise comparison!

One solution: multiple test correction

Bonferroni, Benjamini-Hochberg, etc.

  • Bonferroni: divide your P-value significance threshold by number of comparisons, \(n\)
    • P threshold for one comparison: \(0.05\)
    • Adjusted for three comparisons: \(0.05 / 3 \approx 0.016\)

Corrected t-test results

We adjust our threshold for significance.

Which comparisons are significant at \(P=0.05\) for a single comparison, when Bonferroni corrected for three comparisons? (i.e. \(P=0.016\))

estimate conf.low conf.high p.value
ctrl.vs.trt1 0.371 -0.2875162 1.0295162 0.2503825
ctrl.vs.trt2 -0.494 -0.9828721 -0.0051279 0.0478993
trt1.vs.trt2 -0.865 -1.4809144 -0.2490856 0.0092984


Especially if you have data in three or more groups, use ANOVA

  • ANOVA performs all comparisons for all groups simultaneously
  • ANOVA does not require multiple test correction
  • ANOVA can give more information than a t-test
  • t-tests are a special case of ANOVA (you get the same answer either way)


No more difficult than applying a t-test

data.t.test <- t.test(weight ~ group, data_pair)
estimate conf.low conf.high p.value
-0.865 -1.48091 -0.24909 0.0093
data.aov <- aov(weight ~ group, data_pair)
Characteristic p-value
group 0.008

Comparing multiple groups

All pairwise comparisons with ANOVA

Use Tukey’s HSD (Honest Significant Difference)

  • a common, but not the only, post-hoc test
data.aov <- aov(weight ~ group, data_long)
data.tukey <- TukeyHSD(data.aov)
group1 group2 estimate conf.low conf.high p.adj
ctrl trt1 -0.371 -1.062 0.320 0.391
ctrl trt2 0.494 -0.197 1.185 0.198
trt1 trt2 0.865 0.174 1.556 0.012

Comparing multiple groups

plot(data.tukey, col="red")

ANOVA allows blocking

This is important when using both sexes

But also if there are other batch effects to account for

Figure 3: MRC require that both sexes are used in experiments, unless there is strong justification not to.

ANOVA supports blocking

Figure 4: Using both sexes allows monitoring for sex effects: e.g. by Two-way ANOVA

Figure 5: If sex is not a parameter under direct investigation, you do not need to power your experiment to take sex into account.

An example

Let’s look at penguins!

  • Does body mass vary by species?
    • (but let’s be mindful that there might be a sex difference)
species sex body_mass_g
Adelie male 3750
Adelie female 3800
Adelie female 3250
Adelie female 3450
Adelie male 3650
Adelie female 3625

Visualise the dataset

One-way ANOVA (ignore sex)

data.aov <- aov(body_mass_g ~ species, data)
Characteristic p-value
species <0.001
data.hsd <- TukeyHSD(data.aov)
group1 group2 estimate conf.low conf.high p.adj
Adelie Chinstrap 26.924 -132.353 186.201 0.916
Adelie Gentoo 1386.273 1252.290 1520.255 0.000
Chinstrap Gentoo 1359.349 1194.430 1524.267 0.000

Visualise the dataset (sex differences)

Two-way ANOVA (monitor sex effect) <- aov(body_mass_g ~ species + sex, data=data)
Characteristic p-value
species <0.001
sex <0.001 <- TukeyHSD(
group1 group2 estimate conf.low conf.high p.adj
Adelie Chinstrap 26.924 -82.515 136.363 0.831
Adelie Gentoo 1386.273 1294.213 1478.332 0.000
Chinstrap Gentoo 1359.349 1246.033 1472.664 0.000
female male 667.458 599.193 735.722 0.000

Interactions between categories

Figure 6: Two-way ANOVA lets us see interactions between categories

Interactions between categories

Interactions between categories

data.aov.twi <- aov(body_mass_g ~ species * sex, data=data)
Characteristic p-value
species <0.001
sex <0.001
species * sex <0.001

There are significant effects due to species and sex

And also an interaction between species and sex

(i.e. the influence of sex varies from species to species)

ANOVA is a regression model

Can use R’s regression tools to extract more information

Characteristic Beta 95% CI1 p-value

    Chinstrap 158 32, 285 0.014
    Gentoo 1,311 1,204, 1,418 <0.001

    male 675 574, 775 <0.001
species * sex

    Chinstrap * male -263 -442, -84 0.004
    Gentoo * male 130 -20, 281 0.089
1 CI = Confidence Interval

ANOVA is a regression model

Using interactions and regression can be more informative

group1 group2 estimate conf.low conf.high p.adj
Adelie Chinstrap 26.924 -82.515 136.363 0.831
Adelie Gentoo 1386.273 1294.213 1478.332 0.000
Chinstrap Gentoo 1359.349 1246.033 1472.664 0.000
female male 667.458 599.193 735.722 0.000
Characteristic Beta 95% CI1 p-value

    Chinstrap 158 32, 285 0.014
    Gentoo 1,311 1,204, 1,418 <0.001

    male 675 574, 775 <0.001
species * sex

    Chinstrap * male -263 -442, -84 0.004
    Gentoo * male 130 -20, 281 0.089
1 CI = Confidence Interval

EDA may recommend ANOVA

Figure 7: EDA may well recommend ANOVA

But NC3Rs EDA power calculations only cover pairwise t-tests!

3. ANOVA power calculation

EDA power calculations

NC3Rs EDA power calculations only cover pairwise t-tests

But other tools are available

  • R
  • G*Power
  • SPSS
  • Stata
  • run your own simulations


Supports ANOVA power calculation

Figure 8: Screenshot of G*Power on macOS


Statistical Power

  • Type II Error, \(\beta\): the probability of a false negative (missing a true positive result)

  • Power, \(1 - \beta\): the probability that you won’t miss a true positive result (assuming that there is one)

Statistical Threshold

  • Type I Error, \(\alpha\): the probability of a false positive (calling a positive result when the true result is negative)

  • This is the P-value threshold you set for your hypothesis tests

Calculating minimal sample sizes

For 3Rs we want to minimise individuals used

You need to know 1

  • What size of effect you aim to detect
  • How many groups (categories) and their layout (e.g. two species, two sexes = \(2 \times 2\))
    • This allows us to calculate degrees of freedom (d.f.)
  • The statistical threshold \(\alpha\) for the probability of false positives you’re willing to accept
  • The statistical power \(1 - \beta\) for the probability of false negatives you’re willing to accept

Effect size in ANOVA

Effect size definition

  • Effect size is an interpretable number that quantifies the difference between the data and a hypothesis.

  • Multiple measures for this

    • Cohen’s D, Cohen’s W, Cohen’s F, Pearson’s R, \(\eta^2\) (partial) eta squared, Cramér’s V, etc.

G*Power uses Cohen’s F for ANOVA

  • small effect size \(f\) = 0.10
  • medium effect size \(f\) = 0.25
  • large effect size \(f\) = 0.40

An example

Our experiment

  • Measure treatment vs control (two groups), and difference between sexes (two groups); design is \(2 \times 2\) factorial
    • Numerator degrees of freedom: \((2 - 1) \times (2 - 1) = 1\)
    • Number of groups: \(4\)
  • By convention, we use \(\alpha = 0.05\), \(1 - \beta = 0.8\).

A priori power calculation (ANOVA): main effects and interactions

  • F-test
  • ANOVA, Fixed effects, special, main effects and interactions

An example

  • Test family: F tests
  • Type of power analysis: A priori: Compute required sample size - given \(\alpha\), power, and effect size
  • Effect size \(f\): 0.4
  • Error probability \(\alpha\): 0.05
  • Power (\(1 − \beta\) error probability): 0.8
  • Numerator d.f.: (2 − 1) × (2 − 1) = 1
  • Number of groups: 4

Effect size

  • A value of Cohen’s F (\(f\)) that represents the effect size we want to be able to detect.

  • The contribution of the effect we want to detect to the overall variation in the dataset

Figure 9: Setting parameters in G*power

An example


  • Noncentrality parameter \(\lambda\): 8.32
  • Critical F: 4.043
  • Denominator d.f.: 48
  • Total sample size: 52
  • Actual power: 0.807


  • 52 individuals is a multiple of the number of groups
    • \(13 \times 4 = 52\)
    • Balanced design: four groups of 13

Figure 10: G*power output

An example

  • G*Power will let you plot how sample size trends with desired power

Figure 11: G*Power sample size vs power plot

An example

  • The same plot with better colour choices (PDF output)

Figure 12: G*Power sample size vs power plot



Use NC3Rs EDA to formalise your design

Use ANOVA (where appropriate)

If using ANOVA, G*Power can calculate required samples for desired power