• R has many options for data visualisation, but for this workshop we will use only base graphics and ggplot2
    • base graphics are quick and powerful
    • ggplot2 graphics are extremely powerful and produce attractive professional graphics, but can take some getting used to

1 Setup

To work through these examples, you will need the following on your own computer:

  1. The datasets (see this link for a description)
  2. R and RStudio

1.1 Boxplot and 1D scatterplot

Our goal is to show how the measured guinea pig tooth growth varies by combination of supplement and supplement dosage. We could approach this in any of several ways, but here we want to treat each supplement as a category or factor, and each dosage as a category or factor. We’d like to see the distribution of measured tooth lengths conditioned on these explanatory variables.

What we’re looking for is a visual representation of the variation in the dataset, for each combination of supplement and dosage. A 1D scatterplot is a good way to visualise the raw data, and a boxplot/box-and-whisker plot is a good way to represent summary statistics.

To work in a reproducible and replicable way, we will create a script to manage our data visualisation.

Start a new RStudio session, and use the Files panel to navigate to the location of the data for this workshop.

Create a new `R` session

Figure 1.1: Create a new R session

Click on More and select Set As Working Directory. A command will be executed in the console window, to set the working directory.

Set working directory

Figure 1.2: Set working directory

Create a new R script by clicking on File \(\rightarrow\) New File \(\rightarrow\) R Script. This will open a new, empty R script in the upper left panel.

Create a new `R` script

Figure 1.3: Create a new R script

Enter the following comment and code into the R script. Save the script with a suitable name (e.g. boxplot.R), and select the code and click Run to load the ToothGrowth dataset into a variable called toothgrowth.

# Load the ToothGrowth dataset
# There are three columns:
#  - len: length of tooth (cm)
#  - supp: supplement (VC or OJ)
#  - dose: supplement dosage (mg/day)
toothgrowth = read.table("toothgrowth.tab",
Click to toggle explanation of the R command
  • read.table() is a function that reads data in from a file, in tabular format. The first argument to the function is the name of the input file
  • header=TRUE tells the function to read the first line of the file as a header
  • sep="\t" tells the function to interpret the tab character as a column separator
  • stringsAsFactors=TRUE tells the function to read data that is a “string” as a qualitative data category
View of loaded `ToothGrowth` data

Figure 1.4: View of loaded ToothGrowth data

1.1.1 Boxplot: base graphics

R has built-in graphics capability called base graphics. These are available as functions in R without the need to load any other libraries. Although they are powerful and quick, they don’t always give the most attractive results.

To use R’s base graphics for generation of a boxplot, enter the following comment and code into the R script and run it.

# Use R base graphics to produce a boxplot
boxplot(len ~ supp + dose,
        xlab="Supplement and dosage",
        ylab="Tooth length",
        main="Tooth length by supplement and dosage")
Click to toggle explanation of the R command
  • boxplot() is a function that creates a boxplot
  • len ~ supp + dose tells the function which data to plot on the \(y\)- and \(x\)-axes. Read this as <YDATA> ~ <XDATA1> + <XDATA2>; using this expression tells R to group the length data by both supplement and dose
  • data=toothgrowth tells the function that len, supp and dose come from the toothgrowth dataframe
  • xlab= and ylab= tell the function what to write as \(x\)- and \(y\)-axis labels
  • main= tells the function what the title of the graph should be
Base graphics boxplot

Figure 1.5: Base graphics boxplot

The combinations of supplement and dosage are out of order in the boxplot. This can be fixed, but takes a little effort.

1.1.2 1D scatterplot: base graphics

R’s base graphics have a stripchart() function, which works in a similar way to boxplot() for producing 1D scatterplots. To see it in action, add the code below to your script and run it.

# Use R base graphics to produce a stripchart/1D scatterplot
stripchart(len ~ supp + dose,
        xlab="Supplement and dosage",
        ylab="Tooth length",
        main="Tooth length by supplement and dosage")

We only needed to swap the stripchart() function call for the boxplot() function to get a workable graph. The other options rotate the graph and improve its appearance.

Click to toggle explanation of the R command

The features here that differ from the boxplot are:

  • stripchart() is a function that creates a stripchart/1D scatterplot
  • method="jitter" moves datapoints left and right a bit, so they don’t overlap
  • pch=19 changes the symbol for datapoints to be filled circles
  • frame=FALSE turns off the axis frame
  • vertical=TRUE plots the tooth lengths vertically, instead of horizontally
Base graphics stripchart/1D scatterplot

Figure 1.6: Base graphics stripchart/1D scatterplot

The combinations of supplement and dosage are out of order in the stripchart, too. This can again be fixed, but takes a little effort.

1.1.3 Boxplot and 1D scatterplot: ggplot2 graphics

The ggplot2 library provides functions for generating high-quality, publication-ready figures using the Grammar of Graphics. The syntax for creating graphs takes a bit of time to learn, but the results are worth it.

To use a ggplot2 approach here, combining both a boxplot and 1D scatterplot, add the code below to your script, and run it.

# Use ggplot2 to overlay a stripchart on a boxplot
# First, import the ggplot2 library

# Ensure that dosage is recorded as a category/factor
toothgrowth$dose = as.factor(toothgrowth$dose)

# Plot the graph
       aes(x=dose, y=len, fill=supp)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
Click to toggle explanation of the R commands
  • library(ggplot2) loads the ggplot2 library, so we can use it

  • as.factor(toothgrowth$dose) converts the numeric values in the dose column of the dataset into categories, so we can use them to group the datasets in ggplot2 (otherwise, ggplot2 thinks they’re continuous values)

  • ggplot() is a function that sets up the data for our plot; the first argument is the dataset we’re using

  • aes(x=dose, y=len, fill=supp) tells ggplot() that we want to use the dose data on the \(x\)-axis, the len data on the \(y\) axis, and to colour (fill) the boxes by the category data in the supp column

  • geom_boxplot() draws a boxplot

  • geom_jitter() draws jittered datapoints

    • position=position_jitterdodge() tells geom_jitter() to align the points with the boxes
`ggplot2` stripchart/1D scatterplot

Figure 1.7: ggplot2 stripchart/1D scatterplot

This way of producing a graph is fast, economical, and powerful. We have accomplished in four lines of code something that we couldn’t even achieve in Excel or Minitab. It also allows us to experiment by making minor changes to the code to modify the visualisation. For instance, we could add a line to the code to change the category colours:

       aes(x=dose, y=len, fill=supp)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  geom_jitter(position=position_jitterdodge()) +
  scale_fill_manual(values=c("#999999", "#E69F00"))
Click to toggle explanation of the R command

The feature here that differs from the plot above is:

  • scale_fill_manual() is a function that defines a colour scale
    • here we pass two values for our two categories OJ and VC: one is grey, and the other yellow.
Recolouring the `ggplot` output

Figure 1.8: Recolouring the ggplot output

1.2 Linear regression

The Prestige dataset described in the introduction notebook represents a set of occupations - one per row (observations) - with variables describing properties of each occupation, such as percentage of women, the “prestige” of the occupation, and the average number of years in education of a person in that occupation.

In R (like Minitab) we can model the relationship between prestige and years in education, using a linear relationship, without plotting it - and we can use graphical tools to overlay a regression curve within a plot, that describes the relationship, with some statistical information about goodness of fit and the inferred parameters of the model (gradient and intercept).

Create a new R script by clicking on File \(\rightarrow\) New File \(\rightarrow\) R Script. This will open a new, empty R script in the upper left panel.

Create a new `R` script

Figure 1.9: Create a new R script

Enter the following comment and code into the R script. Save the script with a suitable name (e.g. linreg.R), and select the code and click Run to load the Prestige dataset into a variable called prestige.

# Load the Prestige dataset
prestige = read.table("prestige.tab",
Click to toggle explanation of the R command
  • read.table() is a function that reads data in from a file, in tabular format. The first argument to the function is the name of the input file
  • header=TRUE tells the function to read the first line of the file as a header
  • sep="\t" tells the function to interpret the tab character as a column separator
  • stringsAsFactors=TRUE tells the function to read data that is a “string” as a qualitative data category
View of loaded `Prestige` data

Figure 1.10: View of loaded Prestige data

1.2.1 Linear regression: base graphics

The first step in the analysis to conduct the linear regression. To do this in R, use the function lm() to regress the prestige variable onto the education variable with the code below:

# Carry out linear regression on the dataset, with prestige as
# the dependent variable, and education as the explanatory
# variable
model = lm(prestige ~ education, data=prestige)
Click to toggle explanation of the R command
  • The lm() function carries out a linear regression
  • prestige ~ education tells the function to use education as the explanatory variable, and prestige as the dependent variable
  • data=prestige tells the function to use the dataframe prestige as the source for the education and prestige columns in the regression

This appears to run silently, but in the upper right panel you will see a new variable called model has been populated. This contains the output of the linear regression, including the intercept and gradient (the coefficients), and diagnostic information.

The linear regression model is fitted

Figure 1.11: The linear regression model is fitted

The diagnostic information about the regression can be plotted using R’s base plot() function. To use it enter the following code in your script and run it.

# Show diagnostic graphics for the regression model

This will ask you to hit the <Return> key to list through diagnostic plots in the lower right panel.

Regression diagnostics

Figure 1.12: Regression diagnostics

This is inconvenient, so we can modify our code in-place to put all four graphs together, as follows:

# Show diagnostic graphics for the regression model

Running this code now gives all four diagnostic plots together.

Regression diagnostics

Figure 1.13: Regression diagnostics

It may seem odd to you that, when we plot() the linear regression output we don’t see the overlaid regression curve. This reflect’s R’s usage as a statistical programming tool. In reality, we tend to fit much more complex models than simple linear regression, and overlaying the fitted curve onto data isn’t generally as informative or interpretable about the quality of the model fit as these diagnostic plots.

To plot the fitted regression curve over the data using base graphics, we can use the code below:

# Plot fitted regression curve on the data
plot(prestige ~ education, data=prestige)
Fitted regression curve in base graphics

Figure 1.14: Fitted regression curve in base graphics

So far, we have not seen an explicit numerical representation of the fitted model parameters: intercept and gradient. They are present, in the summary of the model variable in the top right panel (the values are -10.73 and 5.36 as we found with Excel and Minitab). We can access them directly using the console (lower left panel): type the command below, and hit the <Return> key:

Retrieve model parameters

Figure 1.15: Retrieve model parameters

This returns the information:

lm(formula = prestige ~ education, data = prestige)

(Intercept)    education  
    -10.732        5.361  

Reminding us of the nature of the model (prestige ~ education) and giving us the fitted parameter values.

Here R calls the intercept (Intercept) but does not refer to a gradient. Instead, it associates the gradient value with the education variable. This reinforces the meaning that each unit (year) increase in the education variable is associated with a predicted 5.361 increase in prestige score.

Alternatively, enter the following R code in the console and hit <Return>:

Retrieve model summary

Figure 1.16: Retrieve model summary

This gives us more information about the model fit:

lm(formula = prestige ~ education, data = prestige)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-26.0397  -6.5228   0.6611   6.7430  18.1636 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  -10.732      3.677  -2.919  0.00434 ** 
education      5.361      0.332  16.148  < 2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 9.103 on 100 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.7228,    Adjusted R-squared:   0.72 
F-statistic: 260.8 on 1 and 100 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

Again, it reminds us of the model formula (prestige ~ education), but gives us some more information, including the parameter estimates (again -10.732, and 5.361) but also the \(r^2\) value (0.7228, as before), and some other measures of significance.

The probability estimates in the ANOVA table (here the values 0.00434 ** and < 2e-16 ***) are estimates of the probability that the true value of the parameter is zero.

It is possible that you may have a different null hypothesis in mind. For instance, that the intercept is equal to -10, or that the gradient has the value 10. You would need to perform a different statistical test for those.

We can add arbitrary text to our regression plot, including the regression parameters and \(r^2\) value. Because these are results we’ve obtained in R, we can refer to them with variable names, rather than having to type them directly. That way, if the data (or fit) changes, the values are still correct.

Click to toggle how to get the variable values in R
> model$coefficients[1]
> model$coefficients[2]
> summary(model)$r.squared
[1] 0.7228007

To add the equation to the plot in base graphics, we can add the code below to our script, and run it:

# Add text annotation to plot
text(x=6.2, y=70, pos=4,
     labels=paste("y =",
                  round(model$coefficients[2], 2),
                  "x +",
                  round(model$coefficients[1], 2),
                  "; r^2 = ",
                  round(summary(model)$r.squared, 2)))
Click to toggle explanation of the R command
  • The text() function places text on the current plot
    • x= sets the location of the text on the \(x\)-axis
    • y= sets the location of the text on the \(y\)-axis
    • pos=4 makes the text start to the right of the (\(x\), \(y\)) point specified in x=, y=
    • labels= sets the text to be shown
  • paste() “sticks together” the text that follows into a single string
    • round() rounds a value to the specified number of significant figures
Annotated regression in base graphics

Figure 1.17: Annotated regression in base graphics

1.2.2 Linear regression: ggplot2

The procedure for generating an annotated linear regression plot using ggplot2 is simpler.

We can start by producing a scatterplot of prestige against education with the following code:

# Import ggplot for graphics

# Generate an annotated linear regression plot in ggplot2
ggplot(prestige, aes(x=education, y=prestige)) +
Click to toggle explanation of the R command
  • library(ggplot2) imports the ggplot2 graphics library
  • The ggplot() function sets up the data that will be used in the plot. We use the prestige data, with education as the explanatory variable, and prestige as the dependent variable.
  • The geom_point() function adds a scatterplot layer to the plot, and displays the data
Scatterplot in `ggplot2`

Figure 1.18: Scatterplot in ggplot2

We can add a regression plot to this, using the geom_smooth() function from ggplot:

# Generate an annotated linear regression plot in ggplot2
ggplot(prestige, aes(x=education, y=prestige)) +
  geom_point() +
Click to toggle explanation of the R command
  • The geom_smooth() function adds a smoothing function to summarise the dataset. This can take any of many forms, including a linear regression curve.
    • method="lm" specifies that the smoothing curve we want is a linear regression
Add a regression line in `ggplot2`

Figure 1.19: Add a regression line in ggplot2

By default, the smoothed curve includes a ribbon that represents the 95% confidence interval of the fitted curve.

We can annotate the graph with the fitted equation, and its \(r^2\) value using the ggpubr function stat_regline_equation():

# Import ggplot/ggpubr for graphics

# Generate an annotated linear regression plot in ggplot2
ggplot(prestige, aes(x=education, y=prestige)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(method="lm") +
  stat_regline_equation(label.x = 3, label.y = 75,
                        aes(label = ..rr.label..)) +
  stat_regline_equation(label.x = 3, label.y = 7,
                        aes(label = ..eq.label..))
Click to toggle explanation of the R command
  • library(ggpubr) imports the ggpubr library - a set of extensions to ggplot2 that makes some tasks, like adding the equation of a regression line, simpler
  • stat_regline_equation() is a function that adds a regression label to the graph
    • label.x and label.y set the co-ordinates of the regression label
    • aes(label = ..rr.label..) represents the equation showing the \(r^2\) (rr) value
    • aes(label = ..eq.label..) represents the equation showing the linear equation (eq)
Add annotation using `ggpubr``

Figure 1.20: Add annotation using `ggpubr``

Using R and ggplot/ggpubr, we have been able - in only four lines of code - to produce a linear regression plot with overlaid equation and \(r^2\) value.

The code is reusable and reproducible, and able to be shared in a report, thesis, or as supplementary information in a publication.