• This is the landing page for the 2022-10-05 workshop on data management
  • Please read and work through the pages linked below

1 Workshop 3: “Project Management” (Wednesday 5th October 2022, 9-11am)

1.1 Example lab notebooks and Google form

  • Please read through at least one of the sets of example lab notebooks (provided for you on MyPlace and also linked below for your convenience)
    • You may find it most helpful to choose the set of notebooks that is most similar to your project type
    • You may choose to work through more than 1 set of notebooks, if you wish to do so (please fill out the Google form separately for each set)
  • Please fill out this Google form regarding the set of example lab notebooks that you read - before close of play on Monday October 3rd (to give us time to compile your responses before the workshop on Weds)

1.1.1 Set A: wet-lab notebooks

1.1.2 Set B: bioinformatics notebooks

1.1.3 Set C: critical analysis notebooks

1.1.4 Set D: education notebooks