Bioinformatics Software tools

Useful bioinformatics software tools

This page provides links to software tools and packages - some with web interfaces, some you would need to download and install - that may be useful for your project.

1 Programming

  • Visual Studio Code - An excellent editor for writing your own code, in any language, with support for a wide range of helpful extensions - LP
  • Anaconda - A data science platform supporting Python, R, and other languages, that is cross-platform and simplifies installing some packages - LP
  • Project Jupyter - A standard framework for coding in a notebook format - LP
  • Snakemake - Reproducible bioinformatics analysis framework - LP
  • NextFlow - Reproducible, scalable computational analysis framework - LP

1.1 Python

  • Biopython - The standard bioinformatics packages for Python - LP

1.2 R

  • CRAN - The Comprehensive R Archive Network - it’s where to go for R packages - LP
  • Posit/RStudio - The makers of RStudio - the user-friendly way to use R - LP
  • Bioconductor - R’s compendium of computational biology software - LP

2 Online tool collections

  • Galaxy (Europe) - The European Galaxy service for scientific workflows - LP
  • EBI Tools - European Bioinformatics Institute online tool collection - LP

3 Sequence Analysis

  • NCBI BLAST - NCBI’s BLAST service - LP
  • JalView - Widely-used sequence analysis platform - LP
  • PolyView - Coevolution and protein structure annotation server - LP
  • CoevLab - Protein covariation analysis server - LP
  • ibis2analyzer - Phylogenetically-informed covariation analysis server - LP
  • ConSurf - Evolutionary conservation estimation tool - LP

3.1 Sequence Alignment

4 Protein Structure

5 Phylogenetics

  • IQ-TREE - Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic reconstruction - LP
  • RAxML - Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic reconstruction - LP
  • SplitsTree - Recombination-aware phylogenetic reconstruction - LP
  • FigTree - Lightweight phylogenetic tree visualisation - LP
  • Dendroscope Very capable phylogenetic tree viewer - LP