3  BLAST: Introduction

The BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) software suite provides a set of tools for comparing a biological query sequence to the sequences in a database, and returning those sequences from the database that resemble the query sequence above a defined threshold similarity level.


The original BLAST paper is one of the most highly cited publications of all time, and has over 110,000 citations in the literature.

  • 1990: BLAST is first described (Altschul et al. (1990)).
  • 1997: A refined version of BLAST is published, introducing a new way of managing gapped alignments and PSI-BLAST - a method of compiling a profile of similar sequences to make searching more sensitive (Altschul et al. (1997)).
  • 2000: The MegaBLAST algorithm for fast alignment-based searching of large nucleotide sequences is proposed, and incorporated into the BLAST suite (Zhang et al. (2000)).
  • 2009: A completely rewritten version of the software suite, BLAST+ is released. This improved performance and changed many features of the algorithms used for searching and building databases (Camacho et al. (2009)).

The latest updates to the BLAST software are described on the BLAST news page

3.2 Next Steps

Well done!

After completing this section you should:

  • be able to carry out a BLAST search at the NCBI BLAST service
  • be able to choose the correct database for your search type
  • be able to modify search parameters, suitable for your biological question

Now you are ready to move on to using BLAST, which uses local sequence alignments to search large databases of reference sequences to find the best matches to an input query sequence.

You will next be presented with three scenarios, representing real uses of BLAST in research or clinical settings. Please work through the scenarios, completing the assessed sections and - if you have time - attempting the stretch activities.


There is a formative assessment on MyPlace for each scenario, which you should complete as part of the workshop.