Reporter Gene Expression

As part of BM214 laboratories 1-3 you constructed a biosensor capable of detecting an antibiotic. You isolated a strain containing a plasmid containing a pigmented chromoprotein, which you then cloned as a reporter gene downstream of candidate antibiotic-responsive promoters (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Overview of BM214 Experiment 1

In this part of the workshop, you will use R to plot absorbance ratio curves for a set of nine candidate promoter sequences (plus a control!), each challenged with an antibiotic at concentrations from 0-10 \(\mu\)g, in the browser.

You have met R before in the statistics component of BM110, in an interactive exercise as part of a BM211 workshop, and in an earlier part of this workshop (2  Yeast Growth Experiment).

Full instructions for how to generate your figures are provided as part of the workshop.


When you have completed the exercise, please answer the questions below in the formative quiz on MyPlace