5  Summary

In this workshop, you have learned about 16S sequence-based taxonomic classification using online bioinforamtics tools, and how to plot and interpret experimental data using R.

These tools - BLAST, silva, and R, are the same research-level tools that biologists and bioinformaticians use on a daily basis.

Things you have learned

By working through this material, you should now

  • know how to use NCBI BLAST to obtain a taxonomic classification from a 16S sequence
  • know how to use silva to obtain a taxonomic classification from a 16S sequence
  • be able to load experimental data in .csv format into R
  • be able to inspect the contents of a loaded dataset using glimpse() and head()
  • know how to use ggplot2 to generate a number of data visualisations, including
    • scatterplots
    • line plots
    • facet plots
  • be able to use ggplot2 styling layers to modify the appearance of your graphs by
    • changing the colours used in the plot
    • modifying axis type
    • changing axis labels

If you haven’t already, please don’t forget to complete the formative assessments. These can be found on the workshop MyPlace page. You should complete them as part of the workshop.

5.1 That’s All, Folks!

Thank you for taking part in this workshop. We hope you enjoyed it, and found it interesting.

Tell us about problems with the workshop, what you liked, or how you think it can be improved!

We would be very grateful to head feedback by email or through the GitHub repository issues page.