Additional Resources

This page lists some additional resources relating to the workshop that you might find useful.


  • BLAST Results: Expect Values Part 1 video
  • BLAST Results: Expect Values Part 2 video
  • MIT OpenCourseWare - Local Alignment (BLAST) and Statistics video
  • NCBI’s Introduction to BLAST link
  • NCBI Minute: Using BLAST Well video
  • UC Berkeley introduction to NCBI-BLAST link

Data Visualisation

  • Fundamentals of Data Visualization (Claus Wilke) online book
  • Points of View: Visualising biological data link


  • An Introduction to R online book
  • R Manuals :: An Introduction to R link
  • R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis (Software Carpentry) link
  • ggplot2 guide link
  • ggplot2 cheatsheet link